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Monday, April 12, 2021

What is Personality and how to define Personality Psychology- PsychoDoctorr

 Personality and Personality Measurement

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Personality and Personality Psychology

Definition of Personality?

Personality refers to a person's characteristic behavior and way of thinking. Therefore, personality refers to a person's overall impression of others, that is, a typical set of characteristics of a person. Individuals are therefore subject to observation in all aspects of society. 

Personality examples: 
  • A is shy and shy
  • B is sensitive and slightly angry
  • C doubts friends and family 
  • D is confident and successful
The word "personality" in English comes from the Latin word "persona". The masks worn by stage actors in ancient Greek plays began to include actors' roles. Therefore, personality is a public figure that people show to others. Like a layman, he recognizes personality through charm, social balance, popularity, physical attractiveness, and many other socially desirable characteristics. 

How different Theorist define Personality?

A brief overview of the importance of personality in psychology can be obtained by briefly looking at the views of some famous theorists. For example, Karl Rogers believes that personality is important in psychology. From our own perspective, this is an organized, permanent, and subjective unit on which all our experience is based. Gordon Allport defines personality as a person. In fact, this is an inner "thing" that guides and guides all human activities. For Eric Erickson, life is a series of psychosocial crises, and personality is a function of the results. George Kelly sees personality as a unique way to make life experiences "meaningful." 

However, another concept belongs to Sigmund Freud (Sigmund Freud), who described the personality structure as composed of three elements: id, ego and super ego. These different concepts clearly show that the importance of personality in psychology goes far beyond the original concept of "surface social image". This refers to the more important and lasting things in a person. 

In addition to this basic point of view in common, the theoretical definition of personality also has different characteristics. In most definitions, a person is described as some hypothetical structure or organization. In other words, personality is the abstraction of inferences based on behavioral observations. Most definitions emphasize the need to understand the meaning of individual differences. 

The term "personality" refers to the perceived uniqueness of all people. Most definitions emphasize the importance of looking at personality from the perspective of life stories or development, as well as social experience and changing environmental conditions. Personality psychology as a research field. Psychology distinguishes psychology from personality in other fields of psychology. Synthesize and integrate principles from other fields of psychology. 

Perception studies the basic structures and processes that form the basis of perception and interpretation of the surrounding world. Personality psychology as the subject integrates these principles to understand human behavior. A comprehensive personality theory must include all principles. In general psychology, influencing or determining a person’s behavior and experience is part of the field of personality, a term used by both theorists and character researchers (Murray, 1938). The field of psychology tries to cover as many fields as the field of personality, and the focus of research is only on the overall personality. With this ambitious goal, you can expect personality learning to be fun and challenging.

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