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What is Paranoid, Paranoid Personality Disorder, Sign and Symptoms of Paranoid Disorder, Treatment of Paranoid Disorder


 Paranoid Personality disorder

What is personality?

·       Characteristic ways a person behaves and thinks. Enduring patterns of thinking and behavior that define the person and distinguish him or her from other people.

Function of personality? 

Ways of expressing emotion. Provides with patterns of thinking about ourselves and other people

Abnormal or Disordered Personality?

  Enduring patterns of behavior and emotion bring the person into repeated conflicts with others. Prevent the person from maintaining close relationships with others.

       What is Paranoid Personality Disorder?

·         Paranoid mean suspiciousness, persecutory trends, extremely fearful. Paranoid Personality disorder can be characterized  by the pervasive tendency to be inappropriately suspicious of other people’s motives and behaviors.

      Sign and Symptoms of Paranoid Disorder

·         Paranoid people do not trust anyone

·         Trouble maintaining relationships with friends and family members, this symptom is also common in Borderline Personality Disorder.

·         This disorder often begins in childhood or early adolescence 

·          More common in men than in women

·         Studies estimate that PPD affects between 2.3% and 4.4% of the general population.

·         Doubt the commitment, loyalty, or trustworthiness of others, believing others are exploiting or deceiving them.

·         Are reluctant to disclose to others or reveal personal information because they are afraid the information will be used against them.

·         Are unforgiving and hold grudges.

·         Are hypersensitive and take criticism poorly.

·         Read hidden meanings in the innocent remarks or casual looks of others.

·         Perceive attacks on their character that are not apparent to others; they generally react with anger and are quick to retaliate.

·         Have persistent suspicions, without reason, that their spouses or lovers are being unfaithful.

·         Are generally cold and distant in their relationships with others, and might become controlling and jealous to avoid being betrayed.

·         Cannot see their role in problems or conflicts, believing they are always right.

·         Have difficulty relaxing.

·         Are hostile, stubborn, and argumentative.

·         Tend to develop negative stereotypes of others, especially those from different cultural groups. This disorder must be differentiated from Histrionic Personality Disorder.

Treatment of Paranoid Personality Disorder

·         People with PPD often do not seek treatment on their own because they do not see themselves as having a problem as the case with Antisocial Personality Disorder.

·         The distrust of others felt by people with PPD also poses a challenge for health care professionals because trust is an important factor of psychotherapy

·         When a patient seeks treatment for PPD, psychotherapy is the treatment of choice.

·         Treatment likely will focus on increasing general coping skills, especially trust and empathy, as well as on improving social interaction, communication, and self-esteem.

         Case Study of Paranoid Disorder

Nasir Kamal  is a 58-year-old Indian man with no prior psychiatric history, He was brought to the emergency department by police for concerns of psychosis and delusions. Records stated that the “patient is delusional, in a state of acute psychosis.

Upon initial contact with psychiatrist, the patient reported feeling that 

The staff at the hospital were against him. 

He reported never having seen a psychiatrist before.

He did not fully cooperate with the interview, was guarded and evasive, and often said, “You don’t need to know.”

 His mental status examination was notable for disorganized process and paranoid content.

 During the latter part of the assessment, the patient became loud, intrusive, and agitated. 

He pounded his cane on the ground and threw it to the floor in a threatening manner.

He requested discharge but would not elaborate on a safe discharge plan nor allow his family to be contacted. 

He declined voluntary inpatient hospitalization and threatened to sue the emergency department psychiatrist if he were to be involuntarily committed.

He was then involuntarily admitted to the inpatient unit due to aggressive behavior and risk of harm to others. 

He remained at the hospital for 15 days. 

During the initial part of his stay, he was easily agitated, displayed verbal aggression, exhibited paranoia, and refused treatment. 

He would not engage in conversation with most team members, with the exception of a medical student on the team to whom he reported paranoid ideations about various family members and friends. 

He was suspicious and mistrustful of the treatment providers and mostly focused his conversations on legal issues. 

He claimed that he was being held in the hospital illegally and threatened to sue the providers for holding him against his will.

He reported being estranged from most of his family since his wife’s death.

 He stated that his daughters “did not understand him.” 

Very reluctantly, he gave permission for one of his daughters to be contacted. 

His daughter described him as always being an “eccentric and distrustful person.” 

She described incidents in the past in which he had held beliefs about others “being against” him, resulting in isolation from friends and family. 

She described him as someone who “often held grudges and for a long time.” 

She reported a chronic pattern of behavioral problems, aggression, strained relationships, and suspicious thinking. 

She also described his behavior as worsening recently. 

The patient’s final diagnosis was  psychosis , with underlying paranoid personality disorder.

Others Related Psychology Resources

       (Books, Notes and Handouts)

  1. DSM-V and Others 20 pdf Clinical Psychology Books 
  2. PSY-101 Introduction to Psychology Handouts Pdf
  5. PSY 403 handouts PDF- SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
  6. PSY-404 Solved Assignments
  7. PSY 404 HANDOUT Abnormal Psychology PDF
  8. PSY 405 Personality Psychology Handouts
  9. PSY 406 Educational Psychology Handouts
  10. PSY 407 handouts PDF- SPORT PSYCHOLOGY
  11. PSY 408 handouts PDF- HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY
  14. PSY-502 Handouts History and System of Psychology 
  15. PSY-504 Cognitive Psychology Handouts
  17. PSY 510 Organizational Psychology Handouts
  19. PSY-513 Forensic Psychology Handouts
  20. PSY 514 HANDOUTS Consumer Psychology
  22. Psy-610 Neurological Basis of Behavior
  23. STA-630 RESEARCH METHODS handouts
  24. PSY-631 HANDOUTS(Psychological Testing and Measurement)
  25. Psy-631 Solved Assignment 1
  26. Psy-631 Solved Assignment 2

Others Important Topics of Psychology

  1. How to use emotional intelligence for better performance at workplace
  2. How to quit smoking? in Detail Psychological methods
  3. Stress Management Techniques
  4. Psychotherapy- Types and Procedure
  5. Borderline Personality disorder
  6. Antisocial Personality Disorder
  7. Histrionic Personality Disorder
  8. Paranoid Personality Disorder
  9. Dissociative Disorders
  10. Schizophrenia in detail
  11. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  12. Anxiety and Anxiety Disorder
  13. Depression and Major Depressive Disorder
  14. Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
  15. Schizoid Personality Disorder
  16. Schizotypal Personality Disorder


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