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What is Histrionic Personality Disorder- Symptoms and Treatment Options- Psychology

 Histrionic Personality Disorder

Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is included in "Cluster B"  with characteristics of antisocial  attitude, impulsivity and emotion dysregulation. The word histrionic means "Dramatic or Theatrical". 

        People effected with this disorder have unstable and intense emotions and also distorted self image. Such people don't recognize their self worth and their self esteem is dependent on approval from others. They always want to be in limelight or to be focus of attention and to attain this purpose they often behave dramatically and inappropriately. 

          Histrionic disorder usually start at adolescence or early adulthood and more common in men than in women. This disorder must have to be differentiated from Paranoid Personality Disorder a similar disorder included in Cluster "A" called as 

Symptoms associated with Histrionic Personality Disorder

One main symptom of this order is that the effected person always wants to be center of attention and for this purpose he or she uses all social skills to manipulate others, so that they can get primary focus. Such people are so much obsessed with seeking attention that they even threat or attempt suicide to get attention.

Some important symptoms in people effected with Histrionic Disorder are:

  1. Person with this order feels unsecure and uncomfortable if he is not the center of attention.
  2. Emotions in such persons are rapidly shifted.
  3. Their dress is provocative and may have seductive or flirtatious behavior.
  4. Most of their acts are dramatic type, like they are performing on some big screen
  5. Such people also exaggerate their emotions and expressions but lack sincerity.
  6. They are very much concern about their physical appearence.
  7. They have low self esteem thus constantly seek reassurance or approval from others for their actions.
  8. They can easily be cheated or influenced by others.
  9. Such people are very sensitive to criticism or disapproval.
  10. They easily get frustrated and bored.
  11. They often left the work unfinished and may skip one event and move to another.
  12. Such people don't bother to think before they perform any activity.
  13. They often make quick and rash decisions.
  14. They don't show concern for others and mostly are self centered.
  15. They are not good in maintaining relationships seems fake or shallow in their dealings.

What are the causes of Histrionic Personality Disorder?

Exact cause of HPD is unknown but it is believed that both learned and inherited factors are responsible for this disorder. HPD often runs in families thus genetic susceptibility cannot be ruled out. The child of effected parents may be repeating learned behavior. Others environmental factors include lack of criticism, punishment of child and unpredictable attention given to child by their parents or family. HPD may also develop due to individual temperament and unique psychological styles and ways child uses to cope with stress while growing up.

How to diagnose Histrionic Personality Disorder?

HPD can be diagnosed with having complete Medical and Psychiatric history. Physical exam and Lab. tests like neuroimaging may be recommended to ensure physical illness is not causing symptoms. If no physical cause is identified the case may be refer to Psychiatrics or Psychologist who may use different assessment tools and specially designed interview to evaluate a person with this personality disorder.

Treatment of Histrionic Disorder

People with this disorder generally don't consider they need treatment. They also exaggerate their feelings and dislike routine activities that make treatment plan more difficult.
However they might seek treatment for their depression.
Psychotherapy is generally treatment of choice for HPD. The emphasis is generally to help individual to uncover the fears and motivation associated with their thoughts and learn to have more positive interaction with others.
Medication is used for other conditions associated with this disorder like depression and anxiety.

Complications that are associated with Histrionic Disorder

HPD can effect person's social, professional and romantic relationship. These person can also have higher risk to develop depression and anxiety.

Others Related Psychology Resources

       (Books, Notes and Handouts)

  1. DSM-V and Others 20 pdf Clinical Psychology Books 
  2. PSY-101 Introduction to Psychology Handouts Pdf
  5. PSY 403 handouts PDF- SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
  6. PSY-404 Solved Assignments
  7. PSY 404 HANDOUT Abnormal Psychology PDF
  8. PSY 405 Personality Psychology Handouts
  9. PSY 406 Educational Psychology Handouts
  10. PSY 407 handouts PDF- SPORT PSYCHOLOGY
  11. PSY 408 handouts PDF- HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY
  14. PSY-502 Handouts History and System of Psychology 
  15. PSY-504 Cognitive Psychology Handouts
  17. PSY 510 Organizational Psychology Handouts
  19. PSY-513 Forensic Psychology Handouts
  20. PSY 514 HANDOUTS Consumer Psychology
  22. Psy-610 Neurological Basis of Behavior
  23. STA-630 RESEARCH METHODS handouts
  24. PSY-631 HANDOUTS(Psychological Testing and Measurement)
  25. Psy-631 Solved Assignment 1
  26. Psy-631 Solved Assignment 2

Others Important Topics of Psychology

  1. How to use emotional intelligence for better performance at workplace
  2. How to quit smoking? in Detail Psychological methods
  3. Stress Management Techniques
  4. Psychotherapy- Types and Procedure
  5. Borderline Personality disorder
  6. Antisocial Personality Disorder
  7. Histrionic Personality Disorder
  8. Paranoid Personality Disorder
  9. Dissociative Disorders
  10. Schizophrenia in detail
  11. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  12. Anxiety and Anxiety Disorder
  13. Depression and Major Depressive Disorder
  14. Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
  15. Schizoid Personality Disorder
  16. Schizotypal Personality Disorder


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